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About Us

E-club of Bavaria

In July 2017 the Zonta e-Club of Bavaria has been officially established as the first e-club in Germany.

About the Zonta E-Club of Bavaria

A Zonta E-Club is just like any traditional Zonta club. The only difference is that members meet online to coordinate service projects and enjoy fellowship with like minded Zontians. The Zonta E-Club of Bavaria is a member of Zonta International and also a member of District14. District 14 entails ZONTA Clubs of Bavaria and Thuringia in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Italy (Südtirol), Greek, Cyprus and Libanon.


The Zonta E-Club of Bavaria engages in local, national and global service and advocacy projects to empower women, participates in the Zonta International Foundation’s scholarship and award programs, and provides learning and leadership opportunities for its members and the community! Zonta is a club for professional women who are smart, active and want to make a difference in the lives of women and girls locally and internationally. Our vision is to be mentors for women in our community and to help empower them in their lives; to support the education and literacy of women; to encourage leadership and development of women; to provide assistance in proving the quality of life for women; to eliminate violence against women locally and internationally; to honor women for their significant contributions and achievements; and to be active participants serving our community. We are committed to improving the lives of women with sincerity, integrity and professionalism.


More information

The Zonta e-Club of Bavaria is member of Zonta District 14

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.


Becoming an e-club

Since our club's officially chartered in 2017, we constantly improve and transform our internal structure, project ideas and global output. We have virtual meetings once a month and 1-2 physical meetings that are organized regionally in Germany. We usually organize these physical meetings as weekend-long workshops with guest speakers, teambuilding, networking and leisure events.

Founding history and important milestones



  • launch of instagram page für centennial project (@zonta_eclub_bavaria)
     „100 years ZONTA – 100 strong women“

  • e-club delegates participate in district conference

  • election of new president, board and committee chairs

  • publishing of online-Adventcalender e-Bavaria



  • establishment of e-winetasting fundraiser with local winery owner Eva Vollmer

  • first e-club secret Santa for networking within the club


  • regular meetings to define club structure

  • may: official club founding and election of posts

  • july: charter event with guests > e-Club of Bavaria becomes Zonta Club Nr.1966 and the first e-club of Germany

  • launch of facebook page (@zontaeclubbavaria)


  • the e-club adopts the motto "sustainability and digitalisation" as a thematic guideline for meetings in 2020/2021: women who are leading or experienced in these fields are invited as guest speakers

  • e-club delegates consult other e-clubs in the making

  • launch of re-modelled and re-designed website

  • e-Bavaria participates in the national instagram campaign for #zontasaysno during the 16 days of activism


  • Ille (our first club president) contacted first potential members for an e-club





Our Mission

Zonta Mission

Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

Zonta Vision

Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.

In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men.

In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.

Zonta e-Club Bavaria

Co-Presidents: Jennifer Prockl and Katharina Schuhmann
Motto (2023-2024): Zonta-Frauen in der Zukunft, Potential, Herausforderung und Abenteuer

Zonta e-Club Bavaria
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Stand 2023 

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